Friday, May 7, 2010

Some quick updates and information

I just wanted to stop in really quick and answer a couple questions that I have gotten from two separate sites and also from emails.

The first question was if the family memories kit has some directions.

The answer is yes, I have typed up some basic instructions, a supply list, and also included colored print outs of the actual pages that I have created. Along with colored prints of the cards that I made using the kit remains. The information is very basic but it gives you a general idea of how the kit pages are put together. I do give directions on creating the tire tracks.

The second question was about the link to my etsy store. I have now gotten that corrected. My store is located at I am planning to add the permanent link to my store to my blog as soon as possible, but because I want to change a few things around it might take me a little while to get it all complete.

I also have put my Mothers are the stitches...card on my etsy shop as well. And if there are any questions please feel free to email me at or leave a comment and I will respond here. Tracy

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